Correcting your LoTW location info in TQSL

In order to take the greatest advantage of Logbook of The World (LoTW) QSLs for awards such as WAS or DXCC, the info associated with your or the other operators account needs to be complete and accurate. TQSL is the program used to “sign” your QSO info before uploading and that info is where your station location details are defined. This info isn’t mandatory when setting things up the first time, but without it, the other station can’t take advantage of all that a LoTW QSL can provide, so below are the steps that you can check/update your own or in the case of a QSL you receive from another ham that is missing the info, pass along this link.

Here are the steps:

1 – Launch TQSL off your Start / Programs menu.

2 – When TQSL is running, click on the Station menu and select Edit locations.
TQSL Edit Locations

3 – Once the Edit Station Locations window opens, select the appropriate location (you might just have one) and with it highlighted, click the Edit button.
Edit Station Location

4 – In the Edit Station Location window for the selected station, you should specify your grid locator, your ITU zone and CQ zone. If you don’t know this info, in many cases you can get this by viewing your own call sign on and view the details. You can also use and enter in your call or address to get your grid square.  After entering this info, click the Next button.
Edit Station Location 1

5 – In the next window, assuming you are in the United States, select your State and then County. When done, click Next.
Edit Station Location 2

6 – The next window that is displayed indicates your information has been saved. Click the Finish button at the bottom and it will close the window. You’ll be back at the window listing your station location(s). Click Ok to close that window. At the main TQSL window, click File / Exit and you’re done.
Edit Station Location Finished

Since all your existing LoTW records were processed with the previous values, you need to re-process all records that should now be tagged with the complete information. If you have operated from multiple locations, you want to only re-process the records for the location you have just updated. When you do this and re-upload them to LoTW, they will overlay the existing records and any QSL matches will now have all the detail you just configured.

I hope this helps you update your own info or if you contact another operator that has missing info that they can walk through the steps to update their info. Most operators have been very receptive to doing this, as they are already going through the LoTW upload process so this only increases the value of what they are doing. If anyone has questions or corrections, please add a comment or email me and I’ll adjust the instructions.


4 thoughts on “Correcting your LoTW location info in TQSL

  1. I had to change the hard drive on my computer and now LOTW does not work. I realize I have lost a cookie? or something. Is there anyway I can restore this?

  2. Bill,

    Thanks for posting. If you can access the old info on the hard drive or you have a backup of the files from your old hard drive available, you can try to use those. If not, you need to request new certificates.

    Go to and review what it says there. The link to the Getting Started document is broken which might be because of the re-design of the ARRL site. All the references around the site to that document are broken so they need to adjust the links or put the document back – I’ll notify them of this issue now.

    There’s a Yahoo group associated with LoTW at which you can join as well.

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