More WAS completed

I wasn’t even paying attention to the various WAS awards but I noticed this evening that I only needed 1 more 40m contact to have 40m WAS. The last state was Wyoming which was on one of the sked sites so I asked if we could make a 40m contact and WY7FD (Dwayne) said sure and I was able to log Wyoming on 40m to complete 40m WAS.

What I didn’t consider, which is very obvious, is if you complete the Triple Play Award, you also complete WAS CW, WAS Phone and WAS RTTY. I had WAS RTTY already completed last year and since I have all phone contacts for the TPA, I now have WAS Phone completed. After the next 5 CW contacts for the Triple Play, I’ll also have WAS CW.

I also need just 3 more states (mostly close ones) to complete 20m WAS so we’ll see if there’s a way to get that done too. Thanks to all the ops that have worked with me to make all these contacts!
