Saint Martin Confirmed and the Triple Play Award

A QSL card came in today confirming the 3 contacts with FS5KA during the ARRL DX SSB contest in the beginning of March. This was my first QSL for a contact with St Martin so that ups my non-LoTW contacts to 18 for a total of 118 confirmed DXCCs.

For Triple Play Award (TPA) this past weekend I tried to get a bunch of contacts for states/modes that I needed. I did pretty well and late Sunday after our club meeting I was able to make a phone contact with AH6RR to log Hawaii for my last needed SSB phone contact. So as of now I have all states confirmed in RTTY and Phone and just 6 states remaining to get confirmed via CW. I looked real hard this weekend for a Montana station on CW since it was their QSO party, but I couldn’t find one. The hunt continues.
