Weekend contacts in Ham Radio

This is an in-between weekend – after the VHF contest and before Field Day next weekend. I got on the radio various times this past weekend and made a few contacts. On Saturday I was able to log my first contact with a station in Mongolia participating in the All Asia CW contest. There was a lot of QRM but I am sure he was coming back to me.  I also worked a Japan station and a couple of Asiatic Russia stations participating in the Asia contest. There was also an extremely strong station in Turkey that I previously worked on RTTY that I worked on CW. There were 2 IOTA DXpeditions that I was able to work in Scotland and Greece. I’m not a big IOTA chaser but might as well log them.

Also on Sat & Sun I worked a few 6m stations though nothing out of the US. I have a fellow ham nearby that has a nice 6m beam and amp and it’s interesting for me to just listen to him work 6m stations when the band is open. I think it is one of his favorite bands to be on. He was working some stations out west in openings though I either wasn’t on the band when they were around or I can’t hear them, which isn’t unusually when I’m just on a G5RV wire antenna.

I also found out from my daughter that her boyfriends dad is a ham. I’ve only met him once but next time I see him we’ll have something to chat about.
