2011 ARRL January VHF Logs

I wrote about this past weekends VHF contest but I wasn’t sure yet about sending in my logs because I operated both as a limited rover and as a fixed station.  First thing the next morning after emailing the contest manager with my question, I received a response indicating I should submit submit separate logs for each category I operated. So I created 2 different logs in N1MM where I logged all 46 contacts where 1 log contained the 18 contacts made while I was mobile and operating in the rover category across the nearby 4 grid squares and then a second log for the contacts made when I was at home on my fixed station.

What I end up with are the following 2 submissions for the contest. All were for low power phone (FM or SSB) only:

Limited Rover:

   Band    QSOs    Pts  Grd
   144      15      15    3
   420       3       6    1
 Total      18      21    4

 Score : 84


  Band    QSOs    Pts  Grd
    50      12     12    3
   144      14     14    3
   420       2      4    2
 Total      28     30    8

 Score : 240
