CQ WW RTTY Statistics

I posted my 2011 CQ WW RTTY Summary a couple days ago with a couple of maps showing contacts made on 10m and for the entire contest. Here are some stats from what was just a fantastic weekend of RTTY ham radio operating.

My overall summary was the following:

 Band    QSOs    Pts  DXCC Zone States
  3.5      48     58    5     4    23
    7     194    313   34     9    41
   14     256    570   61    19    40
   21     250    624   56    16    23
   28     214    523   49    16    15
Total     962   2088  205    64   142

Score : 858,168

so the # of DXCC, CQ zones and States/Provinces by band are all there.

Of the 962 contacts logged, there were 625 unique callsigns. 4 of those callsigns were logged on the 5 bands (10m, 15m, 20m, 40m & 80m) with 2 being US stations and 2 being outside the US. Surprising to me is that P49X wasn’t one of them. 27 stations were worked on 4 bands – 7 were NA stations and the rest were DX stations.

Of the 625 unique callsigns worked in the contest, 488 of them had previously appeared in my log which makes 137 new stations in my log. It looks like over 100 of those were new DX stations worked.

I worked 24 unique CQ zones and 72 unique DXCCs. Of the 72 DXCCs, I made 1 contact in 9 of them and multiple contacts in the other 63, though a few had multiple band contacts with the same station.

Looking at the breakdown by DXCCs, the US led with 358 contacts or 37% of all 963 contacts logged over the weekend. 2nd was German with 56 contacts followed by Spain, Canada and Italy in 3rd to 5th most contacted DXCCs.

Of the 24 CQ zones worked, the zone with most contacts was my own zone 05 followed by zones 14 & 15 which are Europe.

I’m still amazed at what the conditions were last weekend. Hopefully they will stick around a while.
