2014 JARTS RTTY Contest Summary

This past weekend was the JARTS RTTY contest which is fun as the exchange is the age of the person – 00 for YLs, 99 for Multis and the actual age for everyone else. I had very little time to operate so it was a combined total time of about 7 hours on Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday.

On Friday night I worked a couple 10m contacts so I was hopeful the band would have activity over the weekend. On 80m I called CQ for a bit and after being spotted it was nice for a couple EU stations to call me.  I ended Friday with 82 Qs and 8,044 points.

On Saturday I operated a short time in the morning and a short time in the early afternoon and then a very short time late in the evening. I only worked just over 100 contacts on Satuday for an ending count of 187 Qs & 49,140 pts.

Sunday was the same thing with a short time in the morning, a brief early afternoon session and 30 mins at the end of the contest. It gave me a total of 317 Qs and 122,400 points which is one of my lowest JARTS totals but given the short amount of time I had to operate I can’t complain.

Both during the contest and via email after I had multiple operators thank me for spotting them when I worked them on another band. Even HZ1PS in Saudi Arabia sent me a message during our 2nd band QSO during a pileup he had going.

With the contest exchange being age, I threw out the 00’s and 99’s and multiple contacts with the same call and ended up with 230 different calls worked. The youngest age sent was  24 by 2 operators and the oldest age sent was 85 by one operator.  The average age of those 230 operators was 58.5 years. The median age (middle value of all stations worked) was 60  and the mode (most common age reported) was 52.

Even with the short time available to be on the air, I was able to log 53 DXCC entities including Israel, Turkey, Crete and Saudi Arabia on 10m.

N1MM+ score summary:

 Band    QSOs     Pts  DXCC   Areas
  3.5      23      49     3      10
    7      43      91     4      13
   14     115     295    35      13
   21      92     241    34      10
   28      44     124    24       7
Total     317     800   100      53

Score : 122,400

Here’s a map produced using ADIF2MAP (click to enlarge):



Thanks for all the contacts!