K5D Desecheo DXpedition and Svalbard

I got Desecheo!! At 1932z I made a QSO with K5D (op WB9Z) split on 18.145.
He was listening on 18.145 and I was on 18.154.5. He was listening up
18.150 to 18.160.

I called almost the entire time from when they went on at 1600z. For me,
it was up and down a lot where I could hear him great and then not hear
him. He’s been very strong now for about 15 mins before I contacted him.

Can’t wait until I can confirm I am in their logs which will be viewable
on the web. I hope to make some more including on RTTY.

Earlier in the week I had a QSO with Svalbard which is a new DXCC for me.  I sent off a direct QSL card to JW5NM.


1 thought on “K5D Desecheo DXpedition and Svalbard

  1. Good luck on the other bands. I have yet to take a crack at it. Looking forward to trying to nab them on 40m and 80m.

    Belated congrats on getting licensed. I came back to it in 1999 after a long hiatus due to “real life”. Been having more fun the second time.

    gl es gud dx 73 de w4kaz

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